Tim Burton

Tim Burton
I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Journal Response #12

I once fell in love with a boy and he was so egotistical, his grandparents noticed it from 1,253 miles away.  The morning begins the birds are chirping with the love of Spring. I throw a pillow towards the window and yell "SHUT UP!" I used to wake up in the morning awaiting for his messages, but now he was the reason why I stay in bed. My mother awaits at the entrees of my room until I get out of bed. My hair a mess, my body a wreck, and my soul empty. 7:10 I quickly get ready to leave for school. When I arrive my friends informed me that he had left me for a younger women. My spirit drops as though a car has crashed into me. To a distance I hear a laughter. It's them. At that moment I wished for a car to come crashing at me, so the misery would leave my heart. "Oh the sorrow I feel for her" I hear them say. But no, I am not one to be feel pity for.  First period, I sink into a chair whispering to myself "everything will be alright." He used to whisper that in my ear. Zoning in and out of my thoughts, I hear my teacher say "Victoria!" "Victoria, what is the answer to the question?" To my response I said, "Tu te levee at quell heure?" The only problem was I wasn't in french class, I was in mathematics.

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