Tim Burton

Tim Burton
I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Journal Response #20

 If I were able to communicate with one specious of animal, I would have to choose the penguins. My main reason because I would have numerous questions. I would ask them how is global warming affecting them, or why do the male penguins take care of the egg not the female? Penguins may have an odd walk but they're still an important species of animal. These are animals who don't fly, have stiff feathers, and release body heat when they're too warm. Animals in which swimming fast, can also jump out of the water. As important as penguins are, they are also endangered. I would help them find a way to survive in this dying world. When I go to the zoo it shatters me when people view penguins as entertainment. Chicken eggs helps nourish us, rabbits milk helps cure diseases, and penguins teaches us about how patience is a gift. Penguins may waddle slow, but why move fast? Life can slide by you before you know it.